Lure Order Production Process (September 26, 2022)

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GINEI Handmade Lure / Order Production Process (September 26, 2022)

It is a lure order product from Facebook customers.

We started making ordered lures from August 15, 2022.

It will take a long time to complete the lure, but thank you for your cooperation.

【220-JAK.DV-X純銀箔黒鮑龍魚/F】Pure silver foil / Black Abalone Shell

【220-JAK.DV-X純銀箔白鮑龍魚/F】Pure silver foil / White Abalone Shell

【220-JAK.DV-X純銀箔青鮑龍魚/F】Pure silver foil / Cobalt Blue Abalone Shell

【220-JAK.DV-X純銀箔血高瀬龍魚/F】Pure silver foil / Maroon Takase Shell

【220-JAK.DV-X純銀箔緑高瀬龍魚/F】Pure silver foil / Green Takase Shell

【220-JAK.DV-X純銀箔青高瀬龍魚/F】Pure silver foil / Blue Takase Shell

We are very sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time, and the lure production was completed on (September 28, 2022).

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