GINEI Handmade Lure / Production request catalog product

GINEI Handmade Lure / The lure stock product is completed (November 6)

We received a production request from a customer in Australia.

We are very sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time, and the lure production was completed on (October 31, 2024).

Thank you for your lure order, and we look forward to your next order.

【160-SJ-X.PEN-MAGUR純銀箔豪州鮭龍魚/S】 Silver foil / Australian

【160-SJ-X.PEN-MAGUR純銀箔豪州鮭龍魚/S】 Silver foil / Australian

【160-SJ-X.PEN-MAGUR純銀箔豪州若鱚龍魚/S】 Silver foil / King George Whiting

【160-SJ-X.PEN-MAGUR純銀箔豪州若鱚龍魚/S】 Silver foil / King George Whiting